Corona Measures Introduced By The Ministry of Trade Regarding Customs Permits and Force Majeure

As per the press release issued by the Republic of Turkey’s Ministry of Trade dated 26 March 2020 on customs permits and force majeure;
- For goods whose permit expiration dates given by the customs administration, issued within the scope of the temporary import regime, the processing regime under the customs control, the external processing regime or the temporary export, has expired or soon to be expired, the new permit expiration date has been determined as 30/06/2020 without the need of any application by the obliged party.
- As per the instruction given by the Ministry of Trade, requests for an extension on the waiting period of goods submitted to the customs administration approval, may be considered as force majeure.
You may reach the original text here.
If you would like to know more on customs permits or require legal assistance on customs permits, please get in touch with BerkerBerker Law Office via or any other contact information listed at our website.